

mardi 23 juillet 2013

Internationales Auditreffen 2013 + 5 Jahre Clubgeburtstagsparty in Bad Liebenstein

Im Juli 2013 ist es wieder soweit – Es dröhnen die Motoren und die vier Ringe der Marke Audi begeistern wieder im Altensteiner Oberland. Nun schon zum Dritten Mal, begrüßt der Audiclub Altensteiner Oberland e.V. alle Audi-Freundinnen und Freunde aus ganz Europa zum Internationalen Auditreffen in Bad Liebenstein vom 19.07. - 21.07.2013 und sagt „Willkommen bei Freunden".

Audi ist wahre Leidenschaft, Pioniergeist und pure Begeisterung – teilt im Juli, zum größten Internationalen Auditreffen im Osten Deutschlands, unsere Leidenschaft für die Traditionsmarke Audi zur großen Geburtstagsparty unter dem Motto – 5 Jahre Audiclub im Altensteiner Oberland.

Auch im Dritten Jahr möchten wir Euch ganz herzlich zu uns in das schöne Altensteiner Oberland persönlich einladen. Euch erwartet wieder ein Automobilerlebnis der ganz besonderen Art in der traditionsreichen Kur-, Bäder und Tourismusstadt Bad Liebenstein inmitten des Naturparks Thüringer Wald auf dem Sportplatz Meimers – versprochen!

Ihr könnt Euch ab sofort direkt zum Auditreffen 2013 in Bad Liebenstein anmelden: http://www.audiclub-altensteiner-obe...reffen2013.pdf. Die Onlineanmeldung auf unserer Website schalten wir in den kommenden Tagen frei.

Zum 3. Internationalen Auditreffen 2013 in Bad Liebenstein präsentieren Wir Euch gemeinsam mit dem Autohaus Schulz&Straube GmbH aus Bad Salzungen eine große exklusive Fahrzeugausstellung aktueller Fahrzeuge sowie einige Highlights aus der traditionsreichen Geschichte der Audi AG aus den letzten 80 Jahren. Unsere Händler- und Ausstellermeile mit Glasgravur, Tuningteilen, Car-Hi-Fi, Airbrusher, mobiler Stickservice, Beulendoktor und Fahrzeugaufbereitung sowie der AUDI Fanshop sind ebenso wieder am Start. 

Am Freitagabend heizen Wir Euch mit diversen Showacts und den ACAO-Allstars zur „5 Jahre Audiclub Geburtstagsparty“ so richtig ein. Stimmungsgeladen geht es dann am Samstagmorgen zum Internationalen Audi-Frühshoppen mit Blasmusik der Altensteiner Musikanten weiter. Noch eins drauf setzten wir am Samstagabend mit Sommer, Sonne, heißen Beats und coolen Drinks zur Beachparty „Club-Tropical©“ mit DJ Tommy und den Firebirds.

Natürlich haben wir uns für unsere Clubspiele auch wieder etwas ganz Besonderes einfallen lassen. Für unsere ganz kleinen Audi-Fans wird es auch in diesem Jahr wieder das legendäre Bobbycar-Rennen, eine Hüpfburg, Malwettbewerbe und Kinder-Clubspiele geben. Austoben dürfen sich die kleinen Audi Liebhaber diesmal so richtig mit Pinsel und Farbe – beim großen Kinder-Carpainting wird es garantiert nicht langweilig.

Was wäre das Auditreffen in Bad Liebenstein ohne unsere in den letzten Jahren schon fast legendär lang andauernde Fahrzeugbewertung? Unter den strengen Augen unserer Jury, bestehend aus Clubmitgliedern des Audiclub Altensteiner Oberlandes e.V., dem Auditeam Göttingen e.V., und dem TÜV-Thüringen, werden von allen Teilnehmern die schönsten Audis bewertet.

Bei unserer Fahrzeugbewertung habt Ihr die Chance aus zahlreichen Kategorien einen der in diesem Jahr über 80 Pokale zu gewinnen.

An einen ausreichend großen Platz mit über 10.000 qm² für Eure Zelte und Wohnwagen haben wir ebenso gedacht, wie an Euer leibliches Wohl über das gesamte Wochenende.

Die Platzgebühren betragen pro Fahrzeug 15,00 EUR und je Bei- oder Mitfahrer 5,00 EUR. Bereits enthalten sind alle Eintrittspreise für die Abendveranstaltungen am Freitag und Samstag, die Nutzung der sanitären Anlagen und Müllgebühren. Für Strom erheben wir über das gesamte Wochenende eine Unkostenpauschale von 5,00 EUR. 

Meldet Euch jetzt einfach an und erlebt mit dem Audiclub Altensteiner Oberland e.V. ein unvergessliches Wochenende. Tauscht Meinungen und Erfahrungen über technische, historische und sportliche Themen rund um die Traditionsmarken der AUDI AG mit uns und Gleichgesinnten aus und erlebt die wahre Leidenschaft und pure Begeisterung der vier Ringe.

Alle weiteren Informationen zum 3. Internationalen Auditreffen 2013 in Bad Liebenstein, die Möglichkeit zur Online-Anmeldung, Anreise, Preislisten und Hoteltipps findet Ihr in wenigen Tagen auf unserer neuen Internetseite unter: http://www.audiclub-altensteiner-obe...itreffen-2013/

APR software for the Audi Q5 3.0T

Achtuning is proud to announce the ultimate ECU Upgrade for the Audi Q5 TFSI V6 is now available through APR’s patented DirectPort Programming! Any APR Dealer in the world, connected to the Internet, has direct access to APR’s latest ECU upgrades for loading directly over the vehicles OBD-II port. This completely eliminates the need to remove and open the ECU for currently available files and can be uninstalled at any time without a trace!
APR’s extensive research and development provides you with a powerful ECU upgrade with no loss of drivability or reliability. Expect faster acceleration, improved throttle response and more power across the entire power band.
APR’s 3.0 TFSI V6 ECU Upgrade is an expertly recalibrated engine control strategy that primarily remaps the engine’s operating parameters, within the factory ECU, to provide smooth and reliable power as if intended by the OEM. APR’s ECU Upgrade is developed to work within the OEM and Tier 1 Supplier specifications for engine component stress tolerances and performance specifications and is thoroughly track tested through APR Motorsport’s Grand-AM and World Challenge professional racing efforts. Available in octane-specific variations, APR’s calibrations allow you to take advantage of fuel quality available in your area.
The APR Stage I ECU Upgrade gives you higher peak numbers of 334 horsepower and 332-ft. of torque measured at all 4 wheels, but also gains of up to 101 all wheel horsepower and 86 lb-ft are available throughout the power band!
For those demanding more torque, The APR Supercharger Pulley Upgrade is the answer. Spinning the supercharger faster increases air flow allowing for higher boost levels and more power. The gain in torque is felt immediately, but the results are present across the entire powerband. Expect gains of 132 all wheel horsepower over stock, a second dropped sprinting from 0-60 mph and over 7 seconds faster in a 62-124mph sprint! Software is included as a free upgrade for APR Stage I customers with the purchase of an APR Supercharger Pulley Upgrade.
APR’s ECU Upgrade is the best power per dollar modification for the new 3.0 TFSI V6 and gives it just the extra edge these cars lack from the factory without pushing the limits. With factory-like smoothness and drivability, APR’s ECU upgrade will fill the void in an otherwise excellent car.
  • Available Fuel Grades: North American 91, 93, & 100 octanes.
  • Requirements: Stage I requires no hardware upgrades. Stage 2+ simply requires an APR Supercharger Pulley Upgrade.

Acceleration Enhancements:
Beyond power and torque enhancements, APR’s Calibration Engineers were able to increase the acceleration rate of the A6 and A7 through other calibrations changes. Artifical limiters are reduced resulting in a more responsive pedal without altering overall throttle sensitivity.

Speed Limiter:
APR’s ECU upgrade increases the vehicle’s top speed limiter for blistering sprints around the track or across the Autobahn without the speed limiter shutting down your fun!

Increased Fuel Economy:
APR’s Calibration Engineers paid close attention to several parameters directly related to fuel economy, especially while cruising at highway speeds. Depending on your driving style and fuel quality, you may see better miles per gallon!

Left Foot Braking:
APR’s Left Foot Braking feature allows more control over the vehicle’s throttle. The factory equipped Q5′s throttle input is disabled while pressing the accelerator and brake at the same time. Left Foot Braking, a common motorsport driving technique, allows the driver complete control over the vehicle’s throttle and braking system, which may give the Q5 the edge it needs at the track. As is with all features APR adds to the ECU, this feature may be removed upon request.
Dyno Performance
APR Calibration Report (Measured at All 4 Wheels)
Peak Power
244 AWHP – Stock
334 AWHP – APR Stage 1
364 AWHP – APR Stage 2+
+101 AWHP @ 6150 RPM – Stage 1
+132 AWHP @ 6200 RPM – Stage 2+
Peak Torque
280 AWTQ – Stock
332 AWTQ – APR Stage 1
353 AWTQ – APR Stage 2+
86 AWTQ @ 6100 RPM – Stage 1
112 AWTQ @ 6100 RPM – Stage 2+
0-60 MPH
6.0 seconds – Stock
5.0 seconds – Stage 2+
0-100 MPH
14.8 seconds – Stock
11.8 seconds – Stage 2+
62-124 MPH
19.8 seconds – Stock
12.7 seconds – Stage 2+
60-130 MPH
Speed Limited – Stock
15.9 seconds – Stage 2+
APR 3.0 TFSI Power Play!
The APR Stage 2+ software comes standard with an APR Supercharger Pulley Upgrade for existing APR Stage I customers. Customers making a switch from another tuner can jump right into APR’s Stage 2+ ECU Upgrade and Supercharger Pulley System at a discounted rate. Read more here.
The APR Development Difference

APR DirectPort Programming:
APR’s patented DirectPort Programming is now available for the Simos 8.5 ECU as found in the Audi Q5! Any APR Dealer in the world, connected to the Internet, has direct access to APR’s latest ECU upgrades for loading directly over the vehicles OBD-II port. This completely eliminates the need to remove and open the ECU for currently available files*and can be uninstalled at any time without a trace!

APR ECU Explorer:
APR’s proprietary ECU Explorer gives APR’s Calibration Engineers unparalleled access to the vehicle’s entire engine management system. Typical commercially available data logging tools, used by most tuners, only allow logging up to 12 engine-operating variables at extremely low data rates. These tools are also limited to a small, specific list of variables. APR’s ECU Explorer is capable of logging every variable found within the ECU. It’s capable of logging well over 100 variables at once with data rates as high as 100 samples per second. Synchronous data logging is available for fine-tuning.

APR ECU Composer:
APR’s proprietary ECU Composer is used for altering the engine management system. With full access to every table, map and variable within the ECU, APR’s Calibration Engineers are not limited to a handful of maps as is common for most tuning companies. ECU Composer takes calibration to a new level on the 3.0T FSI with APR’s Quick Flashing. APR’s Calibration Engineers can reflash the ECU only a minute later rather than waiting 10 to 20 minutes between each flash.

APR ECU Assembly:
APR’s Electrical Engineers have the ability to alter the code structure of the ECU to add features not available from the factory. Through code levels changes, APR’s Engineers are able to add features to the ECU. Other changes allow higher torque limit than those achievable through only modifying calibration data or using piggyback devices as is the case for many tuners. This allows APR’s engineers to not require DSG software to meet or exceed advertised gains. On the highly modified end, this allows APR to make Stage III Turbo Upgrades operate as if intended by the OEM. For most 3.0T owners, the advantage of this ability is the addition of APR’s patented EMCS Functions. EMCS puts the control of the engine’s operation at your fingertips and allows for additional features and options to be installed to your ECU.
Application Guide
Audi Q5 3.0 TFSI
Security, Warranty and Money Back Guarantee
All APR ECU Upgrades are fully encrypted to prevent theft of our valuable and proprietary coding information by lesser companies.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee:
All APR ECU Upgrades include a 30-day money back guarantee with no questions asked. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the APR ECU Upgrade, return to your place of purchase for a full refund, provided you are within the 30 day period from the time of your initial purchase. Labor or shipping charges are not included in the guarantee and are at the discretion of the place of install.

Limited Lifetime Warranty:
All APR ECU Upgrades include a limited lifetime warranty against defects in the software, and to provide free updates and reflashes as they become available. Labor or shipping charges are not included in the warranty and are at the discretion of the place of install.
Tags: 3.0T FSI chip, 3.0T FSI tuning, apr ecu, apr ecu for q5, audi q5 tuning, audi tuning, directport programming, goapr, Q5, q5 tuning, 

2015 Audi A4 video

Audi has just unveiled the facelift version of their successful A4 sedan and, as previously announced, the next logical step is a new generation, but it seems as though we'll be receiving the new model a little earlier than expected. The new generation A4 is expected to arrive in Europe in 2014 and in the USA in 2015.

In a recent interview with German magazine, Auto Motor and Sport, Audi Design Chief Wolfgang Egger offered up the first details on the upcoming A4, but they only pertained to the vehicle's exterior design. He said that the future model will receive more muscular styling and improved aerodynamics, as well as an upright "three-dimensional" grille and better defined wheel arches. That's about it, but we expected this considering rumors have been stating that future Audi models won't see any significant changes.

As for the engine line-up, the choices will include a 120 HP 1.4 TFSI, a 178 HP 1.8 TFSI, and a 148 HP 2.0 TDI. Rumors have also stated that a hybrid version is possible.

2015 Audi A4, Audi A4 2015, 2015,  Audi A4, video, A4 sedan, 

lundi 22 juillet 2013

Fiche Technique Audi A4 2013

Audi A4 2013

Fiches techniques Audi A4 (4e Generation) de 2013

IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 AMBIENTE4Ess.Mécanique151 g/km29940 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 AMBIENTE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto144 g/km31940 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 AMBIENTE PLUS4Ess.Mécanique151 g/km33090 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 AMBIENTE PLUS MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto144 g/km35090 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 AMBITION LUXE4Ess.Mécanique151 g/km37590 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 AMBITION LUXE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto144 g/km39590 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 ATTRACTION4Ess.Mécanique151 g/km27640 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 ATTRACTION MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto144 g/km29640 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 BUSINESS LINE4Ess.Mécanique151 g/km31290 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 BUSINESS LINE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto144 g/km33290 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 S LINE4Ess.Mécanique151 g/km35340 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 120 S LINE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto144 g/km37340 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 AMBIENTE4Ess.Mécanique134 g/km32560 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 AMBIENTE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto134 g/km34560 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 AMBIENTE PLUS4Ess.Mécanique134 g/km35710 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 AMBIENTE PLUS MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto134 g/km37710 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique144 g/km38210 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 AMBIENTE QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique144 g/km35060 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 AMBITION LUXE4Ess.Mécanique134 g/km40210 €
Devis assurance autoVotre devis de crédit auto ici !
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 AMBITION LUXE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto134 g/km42210 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 AMBITION LUXE QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique144 g/km42710 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 ATTRACTION4Ess.Mécanique134 g/km30260 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 ATTRACTION MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto134 g/km32260 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 ATTRACTION QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique144 g/km32760 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 BUSINESS LINE4Ess.Mécanique134 g/km33910 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 BUSINESS LINE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto134 g/km35910 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 BUSINESS LINE QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique144 g/km36410 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 S LINE4Ess.Mécanique134 g/km37960 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 S LINE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto134 g/km39960 €
IV (2) 1.8 TFSI 170 S LINE QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique144 g/km40460 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 120 AMBIENTE4Dies.Mécanique117 g/km32160 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 120 AMBIENTE PLUS4Dies.Mécanique117 g/km35310 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 120 AMBITION LUXE4Dies.Mécanique117 g/km39810 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 120 ATTRACTION4Dies.Mécanique117 g/km29860 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 120 BUSINESS LINE4Dies.Mécanique117 g/km33510 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 120 DPF ADVANCED EDITION4Dies.Mécanique129 g/km27450 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 120 S LINE4Dies.Mécanique117 g/km37560 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 136 DPF4Dies.Mécanique112 g/km33830 €
Devis assurance autoVotre devis de crédit auto ici !
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 136 DPF ADVANCED EDITION4Dies.Mécanique129 g/km29750 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 AMBIENTE4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km33830 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 AMBIENTE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km35830 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 AMBIENTE PLUS4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km37330 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 AMBIENTE PLUS MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km39330 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique136 g/km39830 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 AMBIENTE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km36330 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 AMBIENTE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique136 g/km36330 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 AMBITION LUXE4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km41480 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 AMBITION LUXE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km43480 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 AMBITION LUXE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km43980 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 ATTRACTION4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km31530 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 ATTRACTION MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km33530 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 ATTRACTION QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km34030 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 BUSINESS LINE4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km35530 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 BUSINESS LINE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km37530 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 BUSINESS LINE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km38030 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 S LINE4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km39230 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 S LINE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km41230 €
Devis assurance autoVotre devis de crédit auto ici !
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 143 S LINE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km41730 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 AMBIENTE4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km34180 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 AMBIENTE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km36180 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 AMBIENTE PLUS4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km37330 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 AMBIENTE PLUS MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km39330 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km39830 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 AMBIENTE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km36680 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 AMBITION LUXE4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km41830 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 AMBITION LUXE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km43830 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 AMBITION LUXE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km44330 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 ATTRACTION4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km31880 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 ATTRACTION MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km33880 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 ATTRACTION QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km34380 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 BUSINESS LINE4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km35530 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 BUSINESS LINE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km37530 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 BUSINESS LINE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km38030 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 S LINE4Dies.Mécanique119 g/km39580 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 S LINE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km41580 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 150 S LINE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km42080 €
Devis assurance autoVotre devis de crédit auto ici !
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBIENTE4Dies.Mécanique120 g/km36610 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBIENTE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km38610 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBIENTE PLUS4Dies.Mécanique120 g/km39760 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBIENTE PLUS MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km41760 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique134 g/km42260 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto139 g/km44460 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBIENTE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km39110 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBIENTE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto139 g/km41310 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBITION LUXE4Dies.Mécanique120 g/km44260 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBITION LUXE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km46260 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBITION LUXE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km46760 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 AMBITION LUXE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto139 g/km48960 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 ATTRACTION4Dies.Mécanique120 g/km34310 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 ATTRACTION MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km36310 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 ATTRACTION QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km36810 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 ATTRACTION QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto139 g/km39010 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 BUSINESS LINE4Dies.Mécanique120 g/km37960 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 BUSINESS LINE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km39960 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 BUSINESS LINE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km40460 €
Devis assurance autoVotre devis de crédit auto ici !
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 BUSINESS LINE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto139 g/km42660 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 S LINE4Dies.Mécanique120 g/km42010 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 S LINE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto127 g/km44010 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 S LINE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km44510 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 177 S LINE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto139 g/km46710 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI 245 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto149 g/km50440 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI E 136 ATTRACTION4Dies.Mécanique112 g/km31880 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI E 136 DPF ADVANCED EDITION4Dies.Mécanique115 g/km29750 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDI E 136 DPF AMBIENTE4Dies.Mécanique112 g/km34180 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDIE 136 AMBITION LUXE4Dies.Mécanique112 g/km41480 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDIE 136 DPF ATTRACTION4Dies.Mécanique112 g/km31530 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDIE 136 DPF BUSINESS LINE4Dies.Mécanique112 g/km35530 €
IV (2) 2.0 TDIE 136 S LINE4Dies.Mécanique112 g/km39230 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBIENTE4Ess.Mécanique138 g/km36610 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBIENTE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto136 g/km38610 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBIENTE PLUS4Ess.Mécanique144 g/km39760 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBIENTE PLUS MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto140 g/km41760 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique159 g/km42260 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto159 g/km44460 €
Devis assurance autoVotre devis de crédit auto ici !
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBIENTE QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique152 g/km39110 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBIENTE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto155 g/km41310 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBITION LUXE4Ess.Mécanique138 g/km44260 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBITION LUXE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto136 g/km46260 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBITION LUXE QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique152 g/km46760 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 AMBITION LUXE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto159 g/km48610 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 ATTRACTION4Ess.Mécanique138 g/km34310 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 ATTRACTION MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto136 g/km36310 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 ATTRACTION QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique152 g/km36810 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 ATTRACTION QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto155 g/km39010 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 BUSINESS LINE4Ess.Mécanique138 g/km37960 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 BUSINESS LINE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto136 g/km39960 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 BUSINESS LINE QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique152 g/km40460 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 BUSINESS LINE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto155 g/km42660 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 S LINE4Ess.Mécanique138 g/km42010 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 S LINE MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto136 g/km44010 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 S LINE QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique152 g/km44510 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 211 S LINE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto155 g/km46710 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 225 AMBIENTE PLUS4Ess.Mécanique138 g/km39760 €
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IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 225 AMBIENTE PLUS MULTITRONIC4Ess.Auto136 g/km41760 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 225 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO4Ess.Mécanique152 g/km42260 €
IV (2) 2.0 TFSI 225 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto155 g/km44460 €
IV (2) 3.0 TDI 204 AMBIENTE PLUS4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km42580 €
IV (2) 3.0 TDI 204 AMBIENTE PLUS MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto129 g/km44580 €
IV (2) 3.0 TDI 245 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique152 g/km48240 €
IV (2) 3.0 TDI 245 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto149 g/km51630 €
IV (2) 3.0 TFSI 272 AMBIENTE PLUS QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto190 g/km50360 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 3.0 TDI 204 AMBITION LUXE4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km47080 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 204 AMBIENTE4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km39430 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 204 AMBIENTE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto129 g/km41430 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 204 AMBITION LUXE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto129 g/km49080 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 204 BUSINESS LINE4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km40780 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 204 BUSINESS LINE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto129 g/km42780 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 204 S LINE4Dies.Mécanique133 g/km44830 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 204 S LINE MULTITRONIC4Dies.Auto129 g/km46830 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 AMBIENTE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique152 g/km45090 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 AMBIENTE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto149 g/km47290 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 AMBIENTE QUATTRO S TRONIC CLEAN DIESEL4Dies.Auto149 g/km48480 €
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IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 AMBITION LUXE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique152 g/km52740 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 AMBITION LUXE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto149 g/km54940 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 AMBITION LUXE QUATTRO S TRONIC CLEAN DIESEL4Dies.Auto149 g/km56130 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 BUSINESS LINE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique152 g/km46440 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 BUSINESS LINE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto149 g/km48640 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 BUSINESS LINE QUATTRO S TRONIC CLEAN DIESEL4Dies.Auto149 g/km49830 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 S LINE QUATTRO4Dies.Mécanique152 g/km50490 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 S LINE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Dies.Auto149 g/km52690 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TDI 245 S LINE QUATTRO S TRONIC CLEAN DIESEL4Dies.Auto149 g/km53880 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TFSI 272 AMBIENTE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto190 g/km47210 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TFSI 272 AMBITION LUXE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto190 g/km54860 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TFSI 272 BUSINESS LINE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto190 g/km48560 €
IV (2) 3.0 V6 TFSI 272 S LINE QUATTRO S TRONIC4Ess.Auto190 g/km52610 €